It was clear she knew what she was doing and encouraged me and comforted me throughout the entire experience. She intuitively knew what I could handle and guided me through it.
After capturing a giant monkey frog, a shaman collects the waxy secretions, or kambo, from its legs. They will carefully scrape the secretions onto wooden sticks and leave them to dry.
The Biohacking Benefits of Shamanic Frog Poison Kambo Ceremonies
This way, he still has enough of his own Kambo to protect himself. Proper discernment and active participation in your healing process is how you maintain the slate clean. During the journey Kambo instructs you on how and what to purge, and release; and you are then given the opportunity to let go of heavy energy, density, stored pain, trauma, karma, and stories of the past. One of the effects of Kambo is that he stimulates the 3rd eye and connects you to your higher self and intuition; bringing insight and clarity around issues, patterns, past memories, and karma. There are 11 well-known peptides that have been isolated in Kambo secretion. There are 70 + patents being lodged by scientists and pharmaceutical companies, all in the hope that they can replicate the benefits of Kambo.
The ritual is centuries old and was traditionally used to increase the stamina of South American warriors, protect against bad luck, and strengthen the body’s natural defenses. The ritual itself begins with the drinking of about a liter of water or cassava soup.
Because giant monkey frogs are nocturnal, they are only active at night, which makes it difficult to collect kambo. However, they have a distinct call, which shamans use to locate their nests. Read more about Kambo medicine here. However, its beneficial healing effects remain scientifically unproven, and there have been reported cases of death following a cleanse. There is no need to cleanse the body, as the kidneys, liver, and other organs do that already. The toxins can dilate blood vessels and speed up heart rate, so they could trigger a heart attack or unsafe heart rhythms. While Kambo cleanses claim a long list of health benefits, Dr. Kuhn disagrees. “There’s no evidence to support any therapeutic benefits for any medical condition.